The reality-based community can follow the LCROSS project at NASA's LCROSS website

NASA sure does know how to drag out the kooks. NASA's innovative new project for studying the Moon's chemistry and attempting to detect water involves effectively slamming a projectile into the Moon's surface and analyzing the resulting ejecta. The Register reports on the crazies who are concerned about the US government's latest 'bombing campaign':

He wasn't alone, either, with various observers backing the surrealists' possible belief that NASA might inadvertently cause major havoc with their crater strike. This might seem to be impossible given the bigness of the Moon, the smallness of the LCROSS, and the laws of physics - but there were those who disagreed. Commentard Greenstar perhaps summed up this point of view best:

Think of the planets in terms of forming a sentence. The Earth is a noun. The moon is a verb. Its very existance creates action in the tides, the weather, and possibly human mood. It's perfection of rotation sets into play all the components that make it possible for life here to exist and yet no life exists there. How is that possible? Wouldn't it seem logical for the earth to have a reciprocal effect on the moon - but it doesn't. The laws of symbiosis don't apply. If the moon is nothing more than a big rock then it can be cleaved like a big rock. Laws of mass and density don't apply nor do they offer us protection from the idiots at NASA who have never watched a diamond cutter. They are big boys with BIG toys and brains the size of a TRex AND are running the risk of making us all extinct.

In the meantime. The reality-based community can follow the LCROSS project at NASA's LCROSS website

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